Saturday, December 2, 2017

Transforming the world - Living powerfully!

Hello all - Long time, No see? :) Good to be back blogging and truly missed it. I am planning take my blogging to a whole new level - write a book! :) That's something for another blog!

What I wanted to share was a transformation journey that I have embarked on. It's about knowing ME, knowing YOU and knowing the way the universe operates. Firstly, I would like to confess to you that I have been living a life full of fake and pretense, mostly trying to please myself/others with my deeds. Is this right? Am I being authentic to myself and others? NO!

Not many know is I am (was) a very angry person. I used to shout at home in the pretense that I am doing good to my family. Yet, in essence, what I derived was pleasure of proving others wrong, showing my dominance that I am an important member of my family, invalidating their thoughts and ensure I WIN any argument. Will the REAL me like it? NO!! This happens in everyday life where I try to prove my point that mine is right, not even providing a semblance of chance to others that their's might be right too???

Have you ever felt like above? Do you go through the moments where you shout at someone and then regret it immediately? Do you go through moments where you are suppressed for self expression at home/office/anywhere whereas you wanted to tell something else? Do you fail in your commitments - Personal (fitness/being responsible/etc) and professional (meeting deadlines/over committing?)? Do you have relationships where you have been carrying the burden all these years assuming it to be your reality? Do you KNOW that as a young child, an incident changed your life and the way you are? Do you know...... No, you don't! Like me, all of us are thinking we are happy. Are we really HAPPY? Do we ever get satiated with our wants? ARE WE REALLY HAPPY??

I can go on and on with the above questions. This is an inquiry about our lives and the way we live it. This inquiry started with a phone call from my bro-in-law (Arun) who introduced me to Landmark, an organization which aims at transforming lives. There I was virtually stripped naked and saw my real self as to who the true Harish is? This rattled me. I am an humorous person, excellent communication and very loving. Yet, I am also a selfish person, righteous in my opinions, dominating and arrogant too! This other view of myself simply shook me! This gave me an insight of my actions and behaviors in life! I have been carrying a lot of past which wasn't reality which made me have a poor relationship with my own kith and kin.

That's where the course helped me get access to how can I transform myself. How can I move from living such a low life (Yes it is!) to a life full of possibilities. It's not bookish knowledge, it's discovery! Discovery is sustainable throughout life, not bookish knowledge (Riding cycle vs School books).

Best part is I realized the meaning of human BEING! My transformation is not only correcting my above behaviors but making a difference to the world, making a difference to YOU! The world would be so good if they knew that the animosity is purely stories and NOT REAL! The world would be so good if everyone were not judgmental (Really - nothing is right/wrong!!)! The world would be so good if we are not going around proving each other right or wrong! The world would be so gooooooood without poverty! The world would be so goooooooooooooooooood - if everyone were transformed!!!!!

Transformation varies for person to person. My transformation has been a very calm Harish for the last 2.5 months (It's a miracle, trust me!!!), amazing work life balance, extremely authentic and extremely reliable - staying true to my word! This has simply transformed my relationships, productivity and compassion towards people. When does this start for you?? I am happy to provide you the path for the same, because I am deeply interested in your life!!

I am starting my transformation journey for others with the underprivileged and differentlyabled kids to get complete with their past to have an extraordinary future. I have partnered with a NGO (name to be disclosed soon) who are already transforming the world in their own way. Now it's your turn!

Our vision is to achieve INR 55L by December 31st 2017 and I need you're help! Please reach me at for bank details.
PS: Indian residents would receive 80 G certificate

Let's transform the world together!!!

Lots of love,